Project Funding Opportunities

Project Funding Opportunities

How to Apply for Funding from NHIRI

Applying for funding from the Non-Human Research Institute (NHIRI) involves completing a detailed form with essential project and research information. Below is a step-by-step guide to assist you through the process. To access the funding application form, click here.

Preferred Project Types

NHIRI is dedicated to advancing the understanding of non-human intelligence phenomena. We are seeking projects that:

  • Produce Credible Scientific Data: Research that employs rigorous scientific methods to collect and analyze data related to non-human intelligence.
  • Develop Hardware or Software: Innovations in technology that facilitate the study, detection, or analysis of non-human intelligence phenomena.
  • Further Non-Human Intelligence Research: Projects that contribute to the theoretical or practical understanding of non-human intelligence, including interdisciplinary approaches.

We encourage proposals that demonstrate:

  • Scientific Rigor: A strong methodological framework and adherence to established scientific principles.
  • Empirical Data and Publication: A clear plan for generating empirical data and publishing results in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Innovation: Creative and novel approaches that push the boundaries of current research.
  • Feasibility: A clear plan for execution with attainable goals and outcomes.
  • Impact: Potential to significantly advance the science and policies surrounding the phenomena.

Step-by-Step Application Guide

Access the Secure Form

Click here to open the secure online form. Please ensure all sections are filled out before submitting your application.

Required Form Details

(Below is a detailed summary of the information you will be required to provide so you know what you need before starting the process. All fields are mandatory, but if you feel a field is not relevant, please provide your reasoning.)

  • Project Title: Provide a concise project title (maximum 20 words).
  • Proposal Contact Email: Enter the primary contact email for the proposal.
  • Collaborators: List all project collaborators, including their names and institutional details.
  • Budget: Specify the requested total budget in AUD, inclusive of GST and including all overhead costs. A detailed budget justification will be required later in the form.

- Example: 1234 AUD

  • Study Focus: Briefly describe the focus area of your research.

Project Description: Offer an overview of the proposed research project, including aims, importance, methodology, and expected outcomes.

- Limit: 1,000 words

  • References: Include numbered references relevant to the research project.
  • Peer Review Plan: Outline your plan for achieving peer-review of this work, listing potential journals if applicable.
  • Researcher Information: Summarize the skills and experience of the researchers involved, including links to past work, funding, awards, etc.

- Limit: 500 words

  • Novelty: Explain the innovative aspects or new insights your research will contribute.

- Limit: 250 words

  • Benefits: Describe the potential benefits or future use of the knowledge that will emerge from this research.

- Limit: 250 words

  • Feasibility: Address any specific requirements and how access to them will be assured.

- Limit: 250 words

  • Risk Overview: List substantial risks related to the project, specifying their likelihood and impact.
  • Budget Breakdown: Attach a detailed budget breakdown with justifications, including all costs and overheads. You can download a template here. Please upload your completed budget table directly to the form.
  • Responsible Conduct of Research: Indicate compliance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018.
  • Ethical Considerations: Confirm that ethics approval will be sought if applicable. Further guidance can be found here.
  • Sensitive Documents: Confirm that the research does not involve sensitive national security or classified documents.
  • Additional Comments: Provide any other relevant information (up to 250 words).
  • Attachments: Upload any additional documents to support your application.

Submit Your Application

Once all fields are completed and files uploaded, submit your form directly through the portal. Applicants will receive an automated email confirming their application has been received, along with a reference number for future correspondence.

Funding Application Review Process

Confirmation of Receipt

Upon submission, you will receive an automated email confirming that your application has been received. This email will include a unique reference number for tracking purposes. Please keep this reference number for any future correspondence regarding your application.

Review Timeline

Applications are reviewed monthly. All submissions received within a calendar month will be evaluated during the following month. Due to the volume of applications and the thoroughness of our review process, we aim to provide a decision within 60 days from the end of the month in which the application was received. However, this timeline is an estimate, and processing times may vary.

Evaluation and Notification

The NHIRI review committee will assess all applications based on their merit, feasibility, and alignment with our research priorities. Each application is considered on its own merits, and funding decisions are one-off and do not guarantee ongoing support.

  • Successful Applicants: If your application is approved, you will receive a formal notification outlining the terms of the funding. Please note that NHIRI may request additional information or clarification during the review process.
  • Unsuccessful Applicants: If your application is not approved, you will receive a notification advising of our decision. NHIRI's decisions are final and there is no appeal process.

Please understand that submitting an application does not guarantee funding. NHIRI is a non-profit organization and we strive to allocate resources to projects that best align with our mission and objectives.

Funding Policies

Overhead Costs

For applicants from institutions that require overhead costs (also known as indirect costs or facilities and administrative costs), please include all overheads within your total budget request. NHIRI does not provide additional funding beyond the total stipulated budget, and we do not engage in separate agreements regarding overhead percentages. It is the applicant's responsibility to work with their institution to ensure all costs are accurately reflected in the budget.

Final Decision

NHIRI's funding decisions are final and binding. While we endeavor to provide constructive feedback where possible, there is no appeal process for funding decisions. We assess each application thoroughly to ensure a fair and equitable evaluation based on the information provided.

While funding decisions on given submissions are binding, the NHIR Institute encourages interested parties to remain in contact and does not rule out providing support for subsequent submissions.

Confidentiality Assurance

All applications are handled with strict confidentiality. NHIRI respects the intellectual property and copyright of all applicants. We take all necessary measures to protect sensitive information included in your application.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the application process or require assistance, please contact us at:

  • Email:
  • Please inclue your ref #

By submitting your application, you are taking the first step toward receiving funding for your research. Make sure to provide detailed and comprehensive information, including a detailed breakdown of the budget with all costs, to increase the chances of your proposal being successfully considered.